On Fri 19 Feb 2021 at 17:19:13 (+0000), Joe McCool wrote:
> Please, I cannot understand what I am doing wrong.  When I compile the ly
> file, I get a spurious partial in the 2nd alternative of the 2nd part.
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> I have produced the ly file by:
> python abc2xml.py file.abc > test.xml
> musicxml2ly test.xml"
> abcm2ps test.abc works fine.
> I do not know how to change the ly file to get rid of the partial.

Perhaps you need to make this change around ll. 44 - 51:

  \repeat volta 2 {
%%    \partial 8*1 c8
    b4. b8 g e
    fis4 g8 a fis e


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