

I have made some minor changes to conform with performance.

See the attached.

The code has a great deal of “stuff” that is not necessary (from the source?).



From: Joe McCool [] 
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 12:42 AM
To: Mark Stephen Mrotek <>
Subject: Re: spurious partial in 2nd repeat abc->ly


On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 at 19:45, Mark Stephen Mrotek < 
<> > wrote:



Thanks for the help Mark et al. 


The second repeated section starts with a partial measure.


But there is no \partial there in the source code, hence my problem.   With the 
source as shown in my original post the resulting PDF shows a partial and bar 
lines struck through beams, which is absurd in this context.


Given your hints, I have dotted the last notes in the alternatives as this: 



\version "2.18.2"
% automatically converted by musicxml2ly from test.xml

\header {
  source = "
Paul O'Shaughnessy"
  encoder = "abc2xml version 226"
  encodingdate = "2021-02-16"
  composer = "Father Patrick Joseph Kelly"
  title = "Lough Derg Jig"
\override Staff.BarLine.stencil = ##f

lough_derg_jig =  \relative d' {
  \tempo 4 = 120
  \repeat volta 2 {
    \key g \major \time 6/8 %%| % 1
    \partial 8*1 d8^"PART A" %!*5 %%| % 3
    g8 [ fis8 g8 ] b8 [ a8 g8 ] %%| % 4
    fis4 g8 a8 [ fis8 d8 ] %%| % 5
    g8 [ fis8 g8 ] b8 [ a8 g8 ] %%| % 6
    b8 [ d8 b8 ] c8 [ a8 fis8 ] %%| % 7
    g4 c8 b8 [ a8 g8 ] %%| % 8
    fis4. a8 [ fis8 d8 ] %%| % 9
    d'8 [ cis8 d8 ] fis8 [ e8 d8 ] %%| \barNumberCheck #10
    c8 [ a8 fis8 ] g4
  \repeat volta 2 {
    \partial 8*1 a8^"PART B" %!*5 %%| % 13
    b4 d8 g8 [ d8 b8 ] %%| % 14
    d8 [ g8 b,8 ] d8 [ g8 b,8 ] %%| % 15
    c4 e8 g8 [ e8 c8 ] %%| % 16
    e8 [ g8 c,8 ] e8 [ g8 e8 ] %%| % 17
    d4 fis8 a8 [ fis8 d8 ] %%| % 18
    fis8 [ a8 d,8 ] fis8 [ a8 d,8 ]
  \alternative {
    {g8 [ fis8 g8 ] e8 [ fis8 g8 ] 
     a8 [ fis8 d8 ] c8  b4 } 
    {d8  [ cis8 d8 ] fis8 [ e8 d8 ] 
     c8 [ a8 fis8 ] g4. }
  \repeat volta 2 {
    \partial 8*1 c8
    \repeat volta 2 {
      b4.^"PART C" b8 g e
      fis4 g8 a fis e
    \alternative {
      {b' d b g a g
       b d b c a fis}
      {d' cis d fis e d
       c a fis g4.}
% The score definition
lough_derg_jig_chords = \chordmode {
  \set noChordSymbol = "" 

lough_derg_jig_final = {
    \new ChordNames {
      \set chordChanges = ##t
    \new Voice = "one" { \lough_derg_jig}

\score {
  \header {
    piece = "lough_derg_jig"
  \layout {
    indent = #0
    line-width = #180
    ragged-last = ##t

\score {
\markup{filename: <> }



This compiles fine and the resulting PDF looks OK, sort of.  But this is 


My understanding is that if a part starts with a \partial, then the last bar 
should consist of 5 quavers, not six.


Remember my original route to this ly was: python > 
test.xml;musicxml2ly test.xml"


I have taken the liberty of attaching the PDF resulting from abcm2ps (which is 
what I am trying to emulate).  To me it seems more legal in that it features 5 
quavers in the alternatives.


In Part C, I have not yet worked out how to show the 1,2 and 3,4 alternatives.  
But that is another day's work.


BTW, I love Lilypond dearly and am so grateful for its tolerance of my musical 



Joe McCool CEng, MIMarEST, SMIEEE <> uk



\version "2.18.2"
% automatically converted by musicxml2ly from test.xml

\header {
  source = "
Paul O'Shaughnessy"
  encoder = "abc2xml version 226"
  encodingdate = "2021-02-16"
  composer = "Father Patrick Joseph Kelly"
  title = "Lough Derg Jig"

lough_derg_jig =  \relative d' {
  \tempo 4 = 120
  \repeat volta 2 {
    \key g \major \time 6/8 %%| % 1
    \partial 8*1 d8^"PART A" %!*5 %%| % 3
    g8 [ fis8 g8 ] b8 [ a8 g8 ] %%| % 4
    fis4 g8 a8 [ fis8 d8 ] %%| % 5
    g8 [ fis8 g8 ] b8 [ a8 g8 ] %%| % 6
    b8 [ d8 b8 ] c8 [ a8 fis8 ] %%| % 7
    g4 c8 b8 [ a8 g8 ] %%| % 8
    fis4. a8 [ fis8 d8 ] %%| % 9
    d'8 [ cis8 d8 ] fis8 [ e8 d8 ] %%| \barNumberCheck #10
    c8 [ a8 fis8 ] g4
  \repeat volta 2 {
    \partial 8*1 a8^"PART B" %!*5 %%| % 13
    b4 d8 g8 [ d8 b8 ] %%| % 14
    d8 [ g8 b,8 ] d8 [ g8 b,8 ] %%| % 15
    c4 e8 g8 [ e8 c8 ] %%| % 16
    e8 [ g8 c,8 ] e8 [ g8 e8 ] %%| % 17
    d4 fis8 a8 [ fis8 d8 ] %%| % 18
    fis8 [ a8 d,8 ] fis8 [ a8 d,8 ]
  \alternative {
    {g8 [ fis8 g8 ] e8 [ fis8 g8 ] 
     a8 [ fis8 d8 ] c8  b8 } 
    {d8  [ cis8 d8 ] fis8 [ e8 d8 ] 
     c8 [ a8 fis8 ] g4 }
  \repeat volta 2 {
    c8^"PART C"
      b4. b8 g e
      fis4 g8 a fis e
    \alternative {
      {b' d b g a g
       b d b c a fis}
      {d' cis d fis e d
       c a fis g4.}
    }\bar "|."

% The score definition
lough_derg_jig_chords = \chordmode {
  \set noChordSymbol = "" 

lough_derg_jig_final = {
    \new ChordNames {
      \set chordChanges = ##t
    \new Voice = "one" { \lough_derg_jig}

\score {
  \header {
    piece = "lough_derg_jig"
  \layout {
    indent = #0
    line-width = #180

\score {

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