On Tue, 23 Feb 2021 at 13:27, Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com> wrote:

>   \alternative {
>     { g8 [ fis8 g8 ] e8 [ fis8 g8 ] |
>     \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 5/8)
>     a8 [ fis8 d8 ] c8 b8 } % b4 } % ←
>     {
>     \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 6/8)
>     d8  [ cis8 d8 ] fis8 [ e8 d8 ] |
>     c8 [ a8 fis8 ] g4 } % g4. } % ←
>   }

Ah,  bullseye.  Thank you so much.

Under Debian Buster, when I install 2.22 and try lilypond newmend.ly, it

GNU LilyPond 2.22.0
Processing `newmend.ly'
Interpreting music...[8][16][24]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music...
newmend.ly:30:17: warning: barcheck failed at: 1/8
    a8^"PART B"
                | %!*5 %%| % 13 %% \partial 8*1 a8^"PART B" %!*5 %%| % 13 %
newmend.ly:31:24: warning: barcheck failed at: 1/4
    b4 d8 g8 [ d8 b8 ]
                       | %%| % 14
newmend.ly:32:33: warning: barcheck failed at: 3/8
    d8 [ g8 b,8 ] d8 [ g8 b,8 ]
                                | %%| % 15
newmend.ly:33:24: warning: barcheck failed at: 1/2
    c4 e8 g8 [ e8 c8 ]
                       | %%| % 16
newmend.ly:35:28: warning: barcheck failed at: 1/8
    d4 fis8 a8 [ fis8 d8 ]
                           | %%| % 18
newmend.ly:44:36: warning: barcheck failed at: 1/4
    d8  [ cis8 d8 ] fis8 [ e8 d8 ]
MIDI output to `newmend.midi'...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Converting to `newmend.pdf'...
warning: `(gs -q -dNODISPLAY -dNOSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH
-dAutoRotatePages=/None -dPrinted=false /tmp/lilypond-tmp-5422433)' failed

fatal error: failed files: "newmend.ly"

I suspect I have some sort of environmental problem :-(

www.tangentengineering.co. <http://www.tangentengineering.co.uk>uk

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