---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 at 15:33
Subject: Re: Mac Monterey 12.3 and Lilypond 2.2.2
To: Miguel Abrams <miguelabram...@gmail.com>

Please cc the list so that others can follow and tune in.

> On 18 Mar 2022, at 20:28, Miguel Abrams <miguelabram...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Hans:
> I wondered if you could suggest the next steps I should take.  I have
completed the following successfully.
> MacPorts was installed successfully, after Xcode install completed
> Both appear operational
> I followed the instructions displayed at :
>       https://ports.macports.org/port/lilypond/
> To Install Lilypond, run the following command in macOS Terminal
>       sudo port install Lilypond
>       Lilypond version 2.22.2 Updated 3 weeks ago approx
> The  install appears to have been completed without error.
> Please understand that I have limited knowledge of Terminal use.
> My question for you is how do you launch Lilypond?
> Does it always have to be launched through the terminal?  I
>  have yet, therefore, been able to confirm if this install will work in
Mac Monterey OS Version 12.3.
> Your input in this regard would be most appreciated.
> Michael Abrams
> miguelabram...@gmail.com
> On Fri, 18 Mar 2022 at 13:13, Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> wrote:
> > On 18 Mar 2022, at 17:23, David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk>
> >
> > On Fri 18 Mar 2022 at 10:34:08 (+0100), Hans Åberg wrote:
> >> On 17 Mar 2022, at 23:39, Hans Aikema wrote:
> >
> >>> You cannot have both active indeed, but you can install them both
(one active, one inactive). The recipe to end up with stable, but have
current development version at hand for activation:
> >>>
> >>> sudo port install lilypond-devel
> >>> sudo port deactivate lilypond-devel
> >>> sudo port install lilypond
> >>>
> >>> then when you want to try develop:
> >>> sudo port deactivate lilypond
> >>> sudo port activate lilypond-devel
> >>>
> >>> and the other way around to switch back to stable:
> >>> sudo port deactivate lilypond-devel
> >>> sudo port activate lilypond
> >>
> >> This seems simpler than having a separate MacPorts installation. —To
avoid having to write 'sudo' all the time, one can start 'sudo -s'.
> >
> > It might be safer to use, say, an alias, a shell function, or a script
> > for each version, so that you can just type "lpdev" or "lpprod" to
> > And if you collect a number of versions, "lp2222", "lp2236", … , maybe?
> For fun, here is a script 'lilypond-select'; I haven't tried it. Use it
with 'sudo'.
> --
> #!/bin/bash
> # Select MacPorts LilyPond version lilypond or lilypond-devel.
> if [ "$1" = "dev" ]
>   then
>     port deactivate lilypond
>     port activate lilypond-devel
> elif [ "$1" = "stb" ]
>   then
>     port deactivate lilypond-devel
>     port activate lilypond
> else
>     echo "lilypond-select  selects MacPorts ."
>     echo "Takes one argument, \"dev\" for lilypond-devel, \"stb\" for
> fi
> --

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