> On 18 Mar 2022, at 20:28, Miguel Abrams <miguelabram...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Hans:
> I wondered if you could suggest the next steps I should take.  I have 
> completed the following successfully.
> MacPorts was installed successfully, after Xcode install completed
> Both appear operational
> I followed the instructions displayed at :
>       https://ports.macports.org/port/lilypond/
> To Install Lilypond, run the following command in macOS Terminal
>       sudo port install Lilypond
>       Lilypond version 2.22.2 Updated 3 weeks ago approx
> The  install appears to have been completed without error.
> Please understand that I have limited knowledge of Terminal use.
> My question for you is how do you launch Lilypond?

I use a script, called 'lilypond' and put in /usr/local/bin/:
export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
exec /opt/local/bin/lilypond "$@"

MacOS have these set to the value UTF-8 without the 'en_US.' part which is 
causing problems for some components that LilyPond relies on.

Then it can be used as 'lilypond' in Terminal. Otherwise, one can call 
'/opt/local/bin/lilypond' directly.

To create the script, in Terminal:
touch lilypond
chmod a+x

Then to edit it in an editor say TextEdit use 'open -a TextEdit lilypond' or 
the text editor that opens .txt files 'open -t lilypond'. After saving, in 
Terminal use
sudo cp lilypond /usr/local/bin/
to get the above mentioned copy.

Use 'which lilypond' to see which lilypond you are calling. If the 
environmental variable PATH is not set properly, you may get the MacPorts one, 
and not the script.

Then 'rm lilypond' if you do not want the working copy anymore.

This can be used for other lilypond programs as well, convert-ly, midi2ly, etc.

> Does it always have to be launched through the terminal?

All programs will call this program 'lilypond' but for example Frescobaldi will 
do it for you so you don't have to use Terminal.

>   I have yet, therefore, been able to confirm if this install will work in 
> Mac Monterey OS Version 12.3.

Just try, on some test file test.ly,
/opt/local/bin/lilypond test.ly

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