> On 18 Mar 2022, at 20:28, Miguel Abrams <miguelabram...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Hans:
> I wondered if you could suggest the next steps I should take.  I have 
> completed the following successfully.
> MacPorts was installed successfully, after Xcode install completed
> Both appear operational
> I followed the instructions displayed at :
>       https://ports.macports.org/port/lilypond/
> To Install Lilypond, run the following command in macOS Terminal
>       sudo port install Lilypond
>       Lilypond version 2.22.2 Updated 3 weeks ago approx
> The  install appears to have been completed without error.
> Please understand that I have limited knowledge of Terminal use.
> My question for you is how do you launch Lilypond?

I think that MacPorts writes a line to change the PATH variable to include the 
stuff in /opt/local/bin/, where alos lilypond is.

So on a test file test.ly, in Terminal, just try
lilypond test.ly

You might install Frescobaldi and typeset it from there. It knwos about 
MacPorts so should work automatically.

If you have some problems with the language that lilypond writes, then you 
might try the script I gave. Type
echo $PATH
If /usr/local/bin is not before /opt/local/bin, then it means that MacPorts 
programs are chosen over those in /usr/local/bin. Then file ~/.zshrc may have 
to be edited.

All this may be complicated and a bit confusing at first, but not really 
difficult compared to music. :-)

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