Hello folks,

Overriding Score.LyricExtender.stencil to hide the extenders seems to be 
ineffective, as show below. OverridingScore.LyricText.stencil works fine, 

Thanks for any help!


\version "2.23.80"

#(set-global-staff-size 32)

\score {

    \new Staff
      \new Voice = "voixA"  {
        \clef "treble"
        \partial 2
        a2 |
        b16 c8. r4 r2 |
        f8 g4. a2 ~ |
        a2 r2

      \new Lyrics \lyricsto "voixA"
        Oh   |
        \override Score.LyricExtender.stencil = ##f %%%%%%%%%%% <---------- HERE
        Lor -- d  -- |
        \revert Score.LyricExtender.stencil
        Kum -- ba -- ya __


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