Hello Werner,

As it turns out, it’s Score.LyricHyphen.stencil I have to play with, since in 
my actual score, the end of the word 'Kum — ba — ya' occurs at the beginning of 
the coda :

But :

        \override Score.LyricHyphen.stencil = ##f 
        kum — ba --
        \revert Score.LyricHyphen.stencil

prevents the hyphen I need  after ‘ba’ at the end of measure 13 from being 
visible : it’s either all hyphens of none of them.

So I use :

    Lo -- ord Kum --
    \once  \override LyricText.X-offset = #-0.5
    "ba  -"

instead, at the cost of this minus sign being slightly too thick.

Would be nice to be able to be able to hide all the hyphens except the first 
one in such a situation.

A nice day!


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