> I am trying to look into if a particular layout is possible with
> Lilypond. I'd like to display small groups of short musical examples
> as a "table", or "staggered". I'm not sure what to call it so I've
> attached a photoshopped markup of what I am trying to achieve.
> I'd like to display it this way as these short excerpts look odd
> when stretched out over the entire page width so I am using
> ragged-right-last. After that, there is a great deal of white space
> to the left of those initial excerpts that I would like to utilize.
> Is something like this even achievable with Lilypond? Thank you!

I suggest you use `\markup \table` for the overall structure, and
`\score` markup blocks within for the actual music.  Something like

\version "2.24.0"

musicA = \markup \score { { c'1 } }
musicB = \markup \score { { d'8 e' } }
musicC = \markup \score { { f'4 g' } }
musicD = \markup \score { { a'2 b' } }

\markuplist {
  \override #'((padding . 20)
               (baseline-skip . 10))
  \table #'(-1 -1) {
    \musicA \musicB
    \musicC \musicD


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