Hi, Carolyn!

On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 8:22 AM Carolyn Beeton <carolyn.bee...@icloud.com>

> The default when there are two voices with colliding notes is to shift the
> voice with upstems (odd-numbered voices) to the right and voices with
> downstems to the left.  I would like the opposite - i.e. voiceOne, with
> stems up, shifted left.  Is this possible?  (not as a single override, but
> throughout the entire piece)

I trust you've seen this section in the NR on collision resolution, but if
not, here it is:


Do any of these techniques not help? And if not, perhaps you could show a
screenshot or provide a small example of the shifting you don't want so we
can target the problem.

Hope that helps,

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