Hi Kieren,

thanks for answering :)

I've come across some placing or spacing weirdness with dynamics.
In the attached example \dynamicsA is what I tried to code, aka the \< starts 
directly after the \mf. What I expected is what you see in \dynamicsB. However it 
seems as if the combo \mf\< does use some musical time which makes the \f appear 1 
quaver later than I had expected.
Is this behaviour expected or a bug?

Did you notice the error(s) when you tried to compile?  ;)

You mean the failed bar check? That's basically my complaint. I don't understand why the bar check fails.

Try this instead:

dynamicsA = {
   s2. \after 8... { <>\mf\< } s4 | s2 s2\f |

Note that the combo you’re trying to insert needs to be wrapped in braces so 
that it’s a single musical expression.

While that works, wrapping that combo isn't required all the time. E.g. when you have

dynamicsA = {
   s2. s4\mf\< | s2 s2\f |

everything compiles w/o a complaint. Of course the placement of the \mf is different.

However when you try something like

dynamicsA = {
   s2. \after 64 \mf\< s4 | s2 s2\f |

there still is the bar check warning, implying that the combo \mf\f does use musical time.

That's something I don't understand. Especially since it doesn't seem to when wrapped in {}.

If that's intended (and I'm not saying it isn't or can't be) I'd like to understand the reason for this (to me) inconsistency.

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
 GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

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