
> I'm struggling to align some lyrics and the problem seems to be that I cannot 
> find any way to align syllables to rests.

Do you want to attach the syllable(s) to the rest(s), or simply nudge the 
syllable left a little (e.g., to relax the lyric spacing that follows)?

If the latter, then try:

\version "2.24.3"

global = {
  \time 4/4
  \key b \major
  \tempo 4=80

\score {
    \new Staff { 
     \relative c' {
        r4 r8 fis8 fis [fis fis gis ( ] gis4 ) e8  e ( e4 ) r4 |
        r4 r8  dis16 dis dis8 e4 fis8 |
    \addlyrics {
       \tweak self-alignment-X #0.5 but  it's writ -- ten in the star -- light 
__ _ _ 

[where you can obviously adjust the #0.5 to your liking]

Hope this helps!

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