Hello. I've been thinking about Lilypond's usage on parts: for one musician
(for example, the singer singing the melody) I'd like to give them a score
containing voltas using the repeat and volta commands; for another musician
(for example, the drummer) I'd like to give them a score with no repeats
and voltas. I know that if I'd like to create a full-band score (i.e a
grid) I can use the \unfoldRepeats at every variable, creating one straight
through score.

However, is it possible to create something like a "Tempo Map" of sorts?
Like a part/variable that gives instructions to the master grid to create
repeats and voltas without the need to create new parts?

My objective is to figure out a way to create independent grid scores from
musician part scores. To give a singer one straight, 6 pages score, to give
a drummer a 1 page score and to give the conductor a 4 page score.
Is that possible?

Best regards, Lucas.

Attachment: Question.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

\version "2.24.3"

\layout {
  \context {
bateria = {
  \new DrumStaff { \drummode {
    \repeat unfold 4 {<bd hh>4 <sn hh> <bd hh> <sn hh>}    
melody = {
  \new Staff { 
    \relative c' {
    \repeat volta 2 {
      g4 bes c r
      \alternative {
      \volta 1 { g bes des c }
      \volta 2 { bes g r r }
tempomapvolta = 
   {\repeat volta 2
      \volta 1 {s1}
      \volta 2 {s1}
music = {<<
  \unfoldRepeats {\melody}
  \unfoldRepeats {\bateria}
%this part below is just for demonstration.
%Ignore all of its' code.
whatiwant = {<<
  \new Staff { 
    \relative c' {
    \repeat volta 2 {
      g4 bes c r
      \alternative {
      \volta 1 { g bes des c }
      \volta 2 { bes g r r }
  \new DrumStaff { \drummode {
    \repeat volta 2 {
      <bd hh>4 <sn hh> <bd hh> <sn hh>
      \alternative {
      \volta 1 { <bd hh>4 <sn hh> <bd hh> <sn hh> }
      \volta 2 { <bd hh>4 <sn hh> <bd hh> <sn hh> }
\score { \melody \layout {} }
\score { \music \layout {} }
\score { \whatiwant \layout {} }

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