Hi, Michael! Unfortunately, this is not what I'm looking for. You seem to
have written (or copied) the 'whatiwant' part. I'm looking for a way to
abstract (as Kieren has put) the volta command. The purpose is to minimize
writing while being able to export repeat/volta musical parts (plus
straight non volta parts) and being able to create independent multi-part
grid scores. The reasoning of the 'unfoldRepeat' command is to merely
create a straight non repeating score - and subsequently having it through
a repeat/volta pattern.

Em qua., 13 de mar. de 2024 às 01:59, Michael Werner <reznae...@gmail.com>

> Hi Lucas,
> > On Mar 12, 2024, at 7:00 PM, Lucas Cavalcanti <lucaspi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> >
>>> > Hello. I've been thinking about Lilypond's usage on parts: for one
>>> musician (for example, the singer singing the melody) I'd like to give them
>>> a score containing voltas using the repeat and volta commands; for another
>>> musician (for example, the drummer) I'd like to give them a score with no
>>> repeats and voltas. I know that if I'd like to create a full-band score
>>> (i.e a grid) I can use the \unfoldRepeats at every variable, creating one
>>> straight through score.
>>> >
>>> > However, is it possible to create something like a "Tempo Map" of
>>> sorts? Like a part/variable that gives instructions to the master grid to
>>> create repeats and voltas without the need to create new parts?
>>> >
>>> > My objective is to figure out a way to create independent grid scores
>>> from musician part scores. To give a singer one straight, 6 pages score, to
>>> give a drummer a 1 page score and to give the conductor a 4 page score.
>>> > Is that possible?
> Unless I'm misunderstanding what it is you're after, I think this can be
> done. If you shift where you're calling the \unfoldRepeats function it
> seems to work just fine, while still following the guideline Kieren
> mentioned of including the volta structure. Something like:
> \version "2.24.3"
> melody = {
>   \relative c' {
>     \repeat volta 2 {
>       g4 bes c r
>       \alternative {
>         \volta 1 { g bes des c }
>         \volta 2 { bes g r r }
> } } } }
> drumpart = {
>   \new DrumStaff {
>     \drummode {
>       \repeat volta 2 {
>         <bd hh>4 <sn hh> <bd hh> <sn hh>
>         \alternative {
>           \volta 1 { <bd hh>4 <sn hh> <bd hh> <sn hh> }
>           \volta 2 { <bd hh>4 <sn hh> <bd hh> <sn hh> }
> } } } } }
> %\book
> \score {
>   <<
>     \melody
>     \drumpart
>   >>
> }
> \score {
>   \unfoldRepeats
>   <<
>     \melody
>     \drumpart
>   >>
> }
> This gives two scores, with the same music. One with the repeats written
> with the volta structure, the second with the repeats unfolded.
> --
> Michael

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