Regarding MacOs porting, a valid alternative would be to run the linux version of Frescobaldi from a Docker container

A Dockerfile like this one

FROM ubuntu

RUN apt update-yq&& apt install-y frescobaldi pulseaudio&& apt clean-y

RUN mkdir -p/Users/<userName>/Scores
WORKDIR /Users/<userName>/Scores
ENV PULSE_SERVER=docker.for.mac.localhost

CMD frescobaldi

should made the trick.

Then create the image

docker build . -t fresco_image

Lastly, invoke the container

#! /bin/sh # Pre-requisites: # brew install pulseaudio # brew services start pulseaudio xhost +
docker run --rm  -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
      -v /Users/<userName>/Scores/:/Users/<userName>/Scores/ \
      -e PULSE_SERVER=docker.for.mac.localhost \
      -v ~/.config/pulse:/home/pulseaudio/.config/pulse \
      -e \

I have to fine tune this (midi playback not working yet) , but it is fully working from an editing and compilation perspective, including point-and-click

Xavier Mayeur

Le 28/04/24 à 19:06, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :
Just had a quick look. It seems to me we need to create a python-poppler-qt6,
port qpageview to Qt6 and of course frescobaldi itself. I would hope that
qpageview and frescobaldi both basically mean moving from PyQt5 to PyQt6 which
I expect to be mostly busy work. The poppler bindings seem to require
understanding of what poppler does though.

All of the above is based on a brief look and thus not a reliable assessment.
Honestly, I have zero idea how hard porting to Qt 6 actually is. I think we
won't know until someone tries and finds out what exactly Frescobaldi uses that
is modified or removed in Qt 6 compared to Qt 5 as well as poppler-qt6 compared
to poppler-qt5.

In any case, I do rely on Frescobaldi and am willing to help keep it alive.
If you want to attempt the port, of course feel free.


14 rue Thiernesse
1070 Bruxelles

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