If you have the OSX version installed, you can create a symlink to lilypond.sh 
in /usr/local/bin and use it just as the commandline tool would work on Linux 
or with the Fink version of LilyPond. Do

ln -s /usr/local/bin/lilypond.sh /usr/local/bin/lilypond

and open a new terminal window. 

/Henrik Frisk

> Rutgers, I see what you're trying to do. (and silly me for not seeing
> this before to!)
>   You are trying to type the contents of lilypond.sh into the command
> line. You have failed because its meant to be run as a single command.
> $INSTALL in that script is a variable which is set to /Applications
> which is where Lilypond is. The rest of the script burrows into the
> application bundle and calls lilypond. I tested it like this:
> First I typed just 
> lilpond.sh
> ------------------ terminal snip -----------
>   LilyPond produces beautiful music notation.
> For more information, see http://lilypond.org
> Options:
>   -b, --backend=BACK               use backend BACK (gnome, ps [default],
>                                      scm, svg, tex, texstr)
>   -d, --define-default=SYM=VAL     set a Scheme program option. Uses
> #t if VAL is not specified
>                                      Try -dhelp for help.
>   -e, --evaluate=EXPR              evaluate scheme code
>   -f, --formats=FORMATs            dump FORMAT,...  Also as separate options:
>       --dvi                        generate DVI (tex backend only)
>       --pdf                        generate PDF (default)
>       --png                        generate PNG
>       --ps                         generate PostScript
>       --tex                        generate TeX (tex backend only)
>   -h, --help                       print this help
>   -H, --header=FIELD               dump a header field to file BASENAME.FIELD
>   -I, --include=DIR                add DIR to search path
>   -i, --init=FILE                  use FILE as init file
>   -o, --output=FILE                write output to FILE (suffix will be added)
>   -j, --jail=USER,GROUP,JAIL,DIR   chroot to JAIL, become USER:GROUP
>                                      and cd into DIR
>       --no-print                   do not generate printed output
>   -p, --preview                    generate a preview of the first system
>   -s, --safe-mode                  run in safe mode
>   -v, --version                    print version number
>   -V, --verbose                    be verbose
>   -w, --warranty                   show warranty and copyright
> Report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ------------------- end teminal snip --------------
> That told me the right flag to use to get lilypond to produce png
> files instead of pdf.
> I tested it on a Bach Invention i had just finished typsetting:
> lilypond.sh   -f png invention.ly
> After rendering I was left with this list of files:
> invention-page1.png
> invention-page2.png
> invention-page3.png
> invention.ly
> invention.midi
> invention.ps
> If you type this:
> lilypond.sh  -f png <yourDocument.ly> the output will be similar.
> There is yoru PNG and its way easier than I thouught
> The out put will be (assuming there are no errors) your typset music
> as  post script file, a midi file and you will find PNG files for each
> page of music manuscript you produced.
> I hope this makes things WAY easier! Let me know if there are any
> other questions.

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