
   I found that TextScript requires some extra-offset when set above
   slurred note AND has more than one symbol. Just take a look:

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
\version "2.10.20"

soprano = \relative c'' {
        % Text would be 7 units below it's original position...
        \override TextScript #'padding = #-7
        % ... but this padding forces the same position
        % for all TextScripts above Staff:
        \override TextScript #'staff-padding = #1.0
        % Shift them a bit left:
        \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-3.0 . 0)
        % Markup (two symbols -- no slur) -- no problem,
        % as expected:
        e4 f ^ \markup { \bold 11 }
                g a
        % Two symbols, slurred note -- 'staff-padding is "ignored":
        e4 f( ^ \markup { \bold 11 }
                g a)
        % Well, 'slur-padding is ignored too?
        \once \override TextScript #'slur-padding = #-7
        e4 f( ^ \markup { \bold 11 }
                g a)
        % But _one symbol_ markup _with slur_ is great,
        % with no 'slur-padding :
        e4 f( ^ \markup { \bold 1 }
                g a)
{ \soprano }

\paper {
        indent = 0
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    Very probably, I have missed something important -- please, tell me.

    And, btw, is there other way to get all TextScripts positioned at the
    same distance from staff?

  _,-=._              /|_/|
  `-.}   `=._,.-=-._.,  @ @._,
     `._ _,-.   )      _,.-'
        `    G.m-"^m`m'        Dmytro O. Redchuk

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