
First, I'd like to thank the Lilypond programmers for a great job! I
finally finished typesetting two of these Scsarlatti Sonatas, one of
which was from the ubiquitous Longo edition. After sitting at
keyboard and trying to read both, the Longo edition is no longer good
enough. Its almost unreadable and it looks hideous. Lilypond manages
in three pages of easiyl readable score to do what the Longo Edition
makes almost unreadable in 4 pages. Thanks again.

Now my problem, the following lines have one tied note, the  "a" in
the Right Hand upper voice is tied to an "a" in the next bar. The only
problem I can see for Lilypond is that its at that point which the
bars of two voices merge to become one voice again. I've tried
tweaking it in various ways i.e. coding  both bars on the same like,
coding the merged voice immediately following the lower voice, nothing
seems to work.

 ------- Code Snip -----------------

\version "2.11.27"
\include "english.ly"
   upper = \relative c'' {
        \clef treble
        \key e \major
        \time 3/4
                \mark "Allegro"

        cs8[bs cs ds e fs ]                     |               % bar 61
        e[ gs \grace fs16 e8 ds cs b ]  \bar "||"       % bar 62
        \key eflat \major bf8[cf' bf af g  f ]  |       % bar 63
        g8[ bf \grace af16 g8 f  ef d ]         |       % bar 64
        ef[d ef f g af ]                                    |       % bar 65
        g[ bf \grace af16 g8 f ef df ]           |      % bar 66

        {   \grace bf16 \stemUp  cf2  af'4~ | } \\
        { \stemDown      cf,2.                  |  }    % bar 67,68
        \stemUp af'8 \stemDown af[ gf f bf af ] |
        gf[bf \grace af16 gf8 f ef df ]         |       % bar 69

     lower = \relative c {
        \clef bass
        \key e \major
        \time 3/4

        cs8[bs cs ds e fs ]                             |       % bar 61
        e[ gs \grace fs16 e8 ds cs b ]  \bar "||"       % bar 62
        \key eflat \major bf8[cf' bf af g  f ]  |       % bar 63
        g8[ bf \grace af16 g8 f  ef d ]         |     % bar 64
        ef[d ef f g af ]                                  |        % bar 65
        g[ bf \grace af16 g8 f ef df ]          |       % bar 66
        r8 af'8[f d cf af ]                               |       % bar 67
        bf,,2.                                                  |       % bar 68
        ef4 r4 r                                                        |       
% bar 69
        r8 af''8[f d cf af ]                    \bar "||"       % bar 70


     \score {   
        \new PianoStaff <<
           \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Piano  "
           \new Staff = "upper" \upper
           \new Staff = "lower" \lower
        \layout { }
        \midi { }               

------------ End Code Snip -----------

Thanks for your help.


David Fedoruk
B.Mus. UBC,1986
Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003

"Music is enough for one's life time, but one life time is not enough
for music" Sergei Rachmaninov

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