Hello all,

I'm trying to typeset a song that has two lyrics with different melismata in
the same melody.
I've found that the Devnull context may help, but I don't know why the
lyrics associated to it appears with a slight displacement to the right (see
attached PNG).

 % \version "2.11.32"

one = { c'1 }
two = { d'1 }
oneLyrics = \lyricmode { One }
twoLyrics = \lyricmode { Two }

\score {

\new Voice { \one } \addlyrics { \oneLyrics }
\new Devnull = "hidden" { \two }                % \addlyrics { \twoLyrics }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto hidden { \twoLyrics }

>From my limited knowledge it appears to be in voiceTwo, how is it forced to
be voiceOne?

Also, if I uncomment the \addlyrics of the hidden part (and comment out the
third line instead), then the hidden staff gets printed on its own staff
(and properly aligned as a voiceOne). Why?

I'd thank a clue for learning it by myself, but maybe the manual is too
terse in this matter.
Thank you!
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

<<attachment: devnull.png>>

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