Quoting Francisco Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

2007/9/29, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

According to some bug reports (specifically about shifted lyrics with
devnull), devnull is not the proper solution to use.

Oh. I've seen it (your last comment is only two days old). I see this is
not  a "Medium priority Defect" anymore but a "Low priority Enhancement". A
pity, IMO.

Anyway, I still have two questions. From the great examples around I still
cannot see how to do alternate Lyrics when the melody is the same but
melismata are different fot each one.

I hope you have read section "Lyrics to multiple notes of a melisma"
which (in spite of its name) also deals with the situation you are
asking about.

My second question is, how to change the default left alignment for
melismata texts? Imagine the situation I mentioned where alternate lyrics
with different melismata want to be equally centered on their noteheads. I'd
like to center all of them regardless of this. In fact I'dl like to center
all texts, all the time. Is it possible?

In some recent development version, 2.11.x, a new context property has
been added lyricMelismaAlignment, which seems to answer this question.
Try \set lyricMelismaAlignment = #CENTER
at the top of your lyrics (I haven't tried it myself).


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