2007/10/1, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Quoting Francisco Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I hope you have read section "Lyrics to multiple notes of a melisma"
> which (in spite of its name) also deals with the situation you are
> asking about.

You're right. I was mistaken in belief that the only approach was
"Divisi lyrics" that deals with different melodies, not a single one
as I wanted.

> > My second question is, how to change the default left alignment for
> > melismata texts? Imagine the situation I mentioned where alternate lyrics
> > with different melismata want to be equally centered on their noteheads. I'd
> > like to center all of them regardless of this. In fact I'dl like to center
> > all texts, all the time. Is it possible?
> In some recent development version, 2.11.x, a new context property has
> been added lyricMelismaAlignment, which seems to answer this question.
> Try \set lyricMelismaAlignment = #CENTER
> at the top of your lyrics (I haven't tried it myself).

It works, thank you. It was the last modification to
lyric-engraver.cc, 2007-07-29 and appeared in LP 2.11.29. I think it
is not in the manual.

When I finish the transcription I'll send to you, it's a beautiful duo
of Juan Vázquez, born in Badajoz.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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