For the longest time, there has been a problem in Lilypond that affects
the typesetting of hymns.

In a hymn, there will be all the verses.

And then quite often there is a "refrain".

In hymn typesetting, the refrain is nicely centered between the bass and
treble clefs.

If it were possible to "glue" two staffs together, end to end, that
would solve the problem.  I could attach the refrain lyrics to the
second staff, and put the verses of the hymn into the first staff.

So, is this already possible somehow?

The only alternative right now, which is icky, is to make the refrain
start on a new line, all the time.  This is wasteful of space.


           There's a party in your skull.  And you're invited!

Name:    Ted Walther
Phone:   778-320-0644
Skype:   tederific
Address: 3422 Euclid Ave, Vancouver, BC V5R4G4 (Canada)

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