Wilbert, thanks for the suggestion.  I tried that just now, and it
doesn't work very well.  Here is an example PDF:


The result is, on the first line, the gap does get closed.  But when it
gets down to the line where the refrain is, sharing the line with the
main portion, there is an ugly gap between lines 2 and 3.

Also, for doing hymn refrains, often there will be a second, and
sometimes even a third or fourth part, where it goes all four-part
harmony on you, with the bass, alto, tenor, and soprano singing the same
part at different rhythms.  For the main part of the verse, the soprano
takes the melody, but in the refrain there is much more variety.

It would be nice to be able to do the main part and the refrain on
different staves, but to "paste" them together so they seem like a
seamless whole.

I suppose if the gap thing was fixed, I could make do.  But I'd like to
avoid typing in a whole bunch of _ for every refrain.


On Fri, Oct 05, 2007 at 08:37:30AM +0200, Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
Op donderdag 4 oktober 2007, schreef Ted Walther:
In hymn typesetting, the refrain is nicely centered between the bass and
treble clefs.

If it were possible to "glue" two staffs together, end to end, that
would solve the problem.  I could attach the refrain lyrics to the
second staff, and put the verses of the hymn into the first staff.

Maybe the new spacing techniques in 2.11 could allow for lyrics to be centered between staffs?

e.g: have 5 Lyrics contexts:

verse 1
verse 2
 <skips>                       refrain
verse 3
verse 4

and have verse 2 and 3 just close to each other because there is are only skips in the refrain lyrics. I didn't try.

when there is an odd number of verses, the refrain lyrics could be added to the middle verse.

with best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
       -- Mahatma Gandi

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