Please let me know if this is going to be sponsored, I'd consider
participating. This all has a close relation with my problem stated
earlier in this list. I'd like e.g.
- Tell a lyrics to offset only if it is necessary, or
- Tell a lyrics to offset vertically only up to the end of the current staff, or
- Declare two or more offsets, one for the current staff and others
for the following ones, or
- Declare an offset to be collapsable or something, or
- Let all lyrics to always use the minimum required space on paper as
a whole, or ... etc.  Sorry I can't express it better. Of course this
is not only a matter of Lilypond  input syntax but surely it would
require internal hacking.

I know this all is somewhat explained in the difficult tweaks section
in the manual, but IMO it requires too much Scheme skills.

2007/10/17, Ted Walther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Rene, thank you for that example.  It works nicely, except on lines
> where the refrain is by itself.  On those lines, the extra space is
> inserted even though it isn't needed.  Here is the output PDF:
> I changed the value 7.4 to 8 to get the refrain nicely centered.
> Han-Wen hasn't posted anything in a while; is he on vacation?  I guess
> at this point I should ask, what would be involved in a coding fix, and
> how much would it take to sponsor it?
> I am thinking of two options right now.
> Either a \new GlueStaff, which "glues" staves together inside it.
> Or a new option to the Lyrics context so that its vertical alignment
> ignores any other Lyrics contexts which don't overlap the Lyrics in the
> horizontal direction.
> Either of those options would be most satisfactory.  I regret I don't
> know lilypond internals any better, so I could suggest something easier
> to implement.
> Ted
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 12:04:04PM +0200, Ren? Brandenburger wrote:
> >Hi Ted,
> >
> >yesterday I had some time to look at your issue again,
> >
> >here is a snippet, which works fine, the only caveat is that the refrain
> >also takes up the same amount of space in e new line.
> >
> >\version "2.11.19"
> >\header {
> >       title = "Wir feiern heut ein Fest"
> >}
> >\include ""
> >verseun = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1. "
> >       Wir fei -- ern heut ein Fest,
> >       und kom -- men hier zu -- sam -- men.
> >       Wir fei -- ern heut ein Fest,
> >       weil Gott uns al -- le liebt
> >}
> >versedeux = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "2. "
> >       Wir fei -- ern heut ein Fest,
> >       und sin -- gen mit -- ein -- an -- der.
> >       Wir fei -- ern heut ein Fest,
> >       weil Gott uns al -- le liebt
> >}
> >versetrois = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "3. "
> >       Wir fei -- ern heut ein Fest,
> >       und dan -- ken f??r die Ga -- ben
> >       Wir fei -- ern heut ein Fest,
> >       weil Gott uns al -- le liebt
> >}
> >verserefrain = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "Refrain: "
> >       Her -- ein, her -- ein!
> >       Wir la -- den al -- le ein.
> >       Her -- ein, her -- ein!
> >       Wir la -- den al -- le ein.
> >}
> >staffSoprano = \new Staff  {
> >       \time 4/4
> >       \tempo 4 = 96
> >       \set Staff.midiInstrument="voice aahs"
> >       \key sol \major
> >       \clef treble
> >       \relative do' {
> >               \context Voice = "melodySop" {
> >                       \partial 8 *1
> >                       re8 |
> >                       si'16 si8. sol8 fad mi4 r8 sol8 |
> >                       fad16 fad8. sol8 la si sol r8 re8 |
> >                       si'16 si8. sol8 fad mi4 r8 sol8 |
> >                       fad8 fad sol16 la sol8 ~ sol4 r8
> >               }
> >               \context Voice = "repeatSop" {
> >                       \repeat volta 2 {
> >                               \partial 8 * 1
> >                               re8 |
> >                               si'4 re8 do4. r8 si8 |
> >                               la8 la si16 do si8 ~ si4 r8 re,8 |
> >                               si'4 re8 do4. r8 si8 |
> >                               la8 la sol16 fad sol8 ~ sol4 r8
> >                       }
> >               }
> >               %\bar "|."
> >       }
> >}
> >\score {
> >       <<
> >       \staffSoprano
> >       \context Lyrics = "verseUn" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop"
> >\verseun }
> >       \context Lyrics = "verseDeux" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop"
> >\versedeux }
> >
> >       %% refrain %%
> >       \context Lyrics = "verseRefrain" \lyricmode  {
> >               %% move down, you probably have to play with the 7.4 to get 
> > it aligned
> >the way you want
> >               \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0 . 7.4)
> >               \lyricsto "repeatSop" \verserefrain
> >       }
> >
> >       \context Lyrics = "verseTrois" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop"
> >\versetrois }
> >       \context Lyrics = "versetrois" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop"
> >\versetrois }
> >
> >       >>
> >       \layout
> >  {
> >    \context {
> >      \Lyrics
> >      \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #0.6
> >      \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1
> >    }
> >  }
> >}
> >
> >\score
> >{
> >  \unfoldRepeats \staffSoprano
> >  \midi {
> >  }
> >}
> >
> >\paper {
> >}
> >
> >
> --
>            There's a party in your skull.  And you're invited!
> Name:    Ted Walther
> Phone:   778-320-0644
> Skype:   tederific
> Address: 3422 Euclid Ave, Vancouver, BC V5R4G4 (Canada)
> _______________________________________________
> lilypond-user mailing list

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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