hello list, 

i can't say i find learning lilypond very easy, but it sure _is_ fun!
BTW, i notice a _huge_ improvement in the documentation compared to the
last time i tried to learn the language. congratulations and a big
thank you to all the people involved. i wish i could contribute
somehow, hopefully in a not too distant future...

i'm typesetting an old piece of mine for string quartet that has a few
tricky passages. one of them is an irregular glissando tremolo to an
indeterminate "highest note". attached is an image of the closest i've
been able to come up with using lilypond.

i faced three problems:

1. using stems without heads (indefinite pitch)
that was the easiest, i think. i found and used these:

\override NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##t
\override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t

2. drawing the wavy line
at first i thought that would be very difficult or impossible, but i
found about inserting postscript code. i had to read a few tutorials on
ps and bezier curves, and now i have an idea how to do it. but it's
difficult indeed, i needed _lots_ of trials to get close to what i
wanted, and it's still far from perfect.

3. using an arrow for the "highest note"
this one turned out to be not as easy as i expected. i knew lilypond
has several note heads to choose from, and i would have expected to
find an arrow, a symbol that has been pretty much standard for the last
40 years. but the closest i found was something called "do", that with
a bit of tweaking (x-offset) makes a passable arrow.

here's the code, i would greatly appreciate comments and suggestions to
improve it.

\version "2.11.41"

\relative c' {
_\markup { \postscript #"0.1 setlinewidth
1 8     moveto
6 13    7.5 2   15 11   curveto
23 21.2 34 -8   42.2 13 curveto
stroke" }

\override NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##t
\override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
 d e d c d a' e' g f c g e b a g b g'
\revert NoteHead #'transparent
\once \override NoteHead #'style = #'do
\once \override NoteHead #'X-offset = #'-0.55



<<attachment: irr_gliss.png>>

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