Mats Bengtsson wrote:

robcanning wrote:
nice work luis!
i have been wondering if lilypond was capable of such things - it seems it is! :) pity this stuff is so tricky - would be great to see some of these fairly standard notation elements made easier to achieve would be great to see more examples of scores people have made exploiting non standard notation techniques, perhaps from this we would be able to see what needs improving to facilitate the creation of the more adventurous score with lilypond.
anyone out there got some crazy scores they want to show off?
I hope you have browsed through the examples in the LSR.


yup - some great stuff there of course - would be nice to see it all strung together in a real life situation - maybe some one has made complex scores ala ferneyhough using lilypond? just as an inspiration / show off ... - would be a better "selling" point than pages of snippets - show lily at her sexiest :) maybe no one is working like this with lilypond - i hope to one day soon but have a way to go before making anything as complex as the likes of ferneyhough

thanks for lilypond

rob c

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