On Wed, 2008-03-12 at 17:01 +0000, robcanning wrote:
> yup - some great stuff there of course - would be nice to see it all 
> strung together in a real life situation - maybe some one has made 
> complex scores ala ferneyhough using lilypond? just as an inspiration / 
> show off ... - would be a better "selling" point than pages of snippets 
> - show lily at her sexiest :) maybe no one is working like this with 
> lilypond - i hope to one day soon but have a way to go before making 
> anything as complex as the likes of ferneyhough

Actually, I do sometimes typeset some Ferneyhough excerpts - occasional
bars  - as part of the process of learning his music. They would require
quite a lot of work and tweaking to get to a publication standard: for
my purposes I just do some basic hacks! 

Attached FYI is the source for some excerpts from the second movement of
Opus Contra Naturam...

Mark Knoop
\version "2.11.42"

\header {
    title = "Opus Contra Naturam" 
    composer = "Brian Ferneyhough"

% formatting defaults
#(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape)
#(set-global-staff-size 14)

webernAccidentals = {
    % the 5s are just "a value different from any accidental"
    \set Staff.keySignature = #'((0 . 5) (1 . 5) (2 . 5) (3 . 5)
                                 (4 . 5) (5 . 5) (6 . 5))
    \set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
    #(set-accidental-style 'forget)
\include "english.ly"

% music
uppermusic = {
    % Second Movement
    % 4.1.1
    \clef bass
    \time 3/8
    \tempo 8=71
    \times 9/13 { g8 c'32. \times 2/3 { cs32 gs64~ } }
    << { \times 4/5 { gs8 r32 } } \\ { r16 \times 4/5 { a'16 r64 } } >> |
    % 4.1.2
    \clef treble
    \time 5/16
    \times 20/23 { r16.. e8~ e64 g'16.. } |
    % 4.1.3
    \time 2/8
    \times 4/5 {
        \times 4/5 { cs'32 gs' a' as' e' }
        b'64 f' fs' r
    % 4.1.4
    % 8.3.39
    \time 4/8
    \tempo 8=55
    << {
        \times 4/7 { r8 f'''32(^\mp^\> b' f''' }
        b'32 f'''16)\!^\pp r32
        \times 4/7 { r8 f'''32(^\mp^\< b''' f''' }
        \times 2/3 { f''32 f'''16)\!^\mf }
    } \\ {
        r32 \stemUp <c' fs'>16.~\f\accent 
        <c' fs'>16. <d' g' df''>32~\mf\accent(
    } \\
      \\ {
        \times 12/11 { r16 r32 bf' r bf' r a r r16 }
        \times 2/3 { r8 f'64( b f-.) r }
    } >> |
    % 8.3.40
    \time 7/16
    \tempo 8=66
    << {
        b''64-.\accent^\f r16.. r64
        \times 3/5 { r8. bf''32^\ppp( gf''' g'' af'-.) }
        r32. r16
    } \\ {
        <d' g' df''>64\p b' f'' c'' gf'' d'''-.) r32
        \times 11/13 { r64\pp[ a'-. b32( c') g'64( cs''32) d'64-.
        e''32.~(]\accent\fp }
    } >>
    % 12.1.66
    \time 13/32
    \tempo 8=43
    << {
        \times 6/7 {
            \times 3/5 { c''''32.\rest cs''''64\tenuto^\p( f' }
            c'64) r
            \times 2/3 { r64 cs'32[\staccatissimo^\mp }
        \times 4/7 { d''32]\staccatissimo r16. <fs'' g'' b''>\tenuto^\pp }
        \times 6/7 {
            e'''32\rest f'\staccato\tenuto^\p r
            \acciaccatura d''8 <g' a''>16^\ppp
            \times 2/3 { r32 \acciaccatura fs'8( b''16~ }
    } \\ {
        \times 6/7 { 
            \change Staff=lower f32\staccato)^\mp r64
        \change Staff=upper
        r32 a'-.\pp[ bf''-. e'''-.
        \times 2/3 { ef''32-. bf'-. e'''-.] }
    } \\ {
        \times 8/11 {
            a4\rest a32\rest
            \times 2/3 { \stemDown ds''32[\staccatissimo\f r d']\staccatissimo }
        \times 4/5 {
            cs'64[\staccatissimo r fs'']\staccatissimo r
            \change Staff=lower d\staccatissimo
    } \\ {
        \times 2/3 {
            r16 \acciaccatura af''8 \change Staff=lower
            bf,16..\p \change Staff=upper r64
        \times 4/5 { r16 \stemUp gs''16.~\accent\fp\>( }
        gs''64 f'32.~
    } >>
    % 12.1.67
    \time 3/8
    << {
        \times 5/7 {
            b''32 cs'') r \stemDown gs''\staccato\marcato^\mf r16
            \acciaccatura { ds'''8[^\p a''] } e''32\staccato
        \times 5/7 {
            r32 \change Staff=lower \stemUp
            \acciaccatura bf8\pp b,32\staccato r
            \times 4/5 {
                f16\staccato\tenuto\mf\>( \change Staff=upper
                b''32 g''\staccato)^\ppp r
        \change Staff=lower \stemUp
        df64.(\pp \change Staff=upper
        b''' \change Staff=lower
    } \\ {
        \times 6/7 {
            r32 \stemUp fs''-.^\mp cs''-. g'''-. r
            ef'''-. a'-.
        \times 4/5 {
            e''32-. r16 gs'''-.\noBeam
            \change Staff=lower e,-.
    } \\
        % nothing in this voice in this bar
    \\ { 
        \times 2/3 { f'16 <b c' d'>16)\!\ppp r }
        \change Staff=lower
        \times 2/3 {
            \times 4/5 {
                \stemUp d,32[\pp\<( a,] \change Staff=upper
                \stemDown ds''[ fs'' c'']\!\p)
    } >>

lowermusic = {
    % 4.1.1
    % 4.1.2
    s4 s16
    % 4.1.3
    % 8.3.39
    \clef bass
    << {
        \times 12/11 { r16 d32^\p\<( r d r bf,\!^\p^\> r f bf,-.\!^\pp) r }
        \times 2/3 { f64(^\ppp a-.) r32 bf64( e-.) r32 r16 }
    } \\ {
        \times 4/5 {
            \times 4/5 { e,,64\p\<( b,, a,32 f,64 c fs,,32. cs64\!\mf\> }
        \times 4/5 { \times 2/3 { g,32 e, b,,-.)\!\pp } r16. }
        r32 <gs, b,>16.~(\mp\<
        <gs, b,>64 ds32. <bf, e a>16~\!
    } >>
    % 8.3.40
    << {
        \times 7/10 {
            \times 2/3 { r16 <cs, ds, b,>(^\pp c32 e,) }
            ef'32-.^\mp <a,, g,>16-.-_^\p
            \times 2/3 { r8 <df bf>16(^\pp^\> }
            \times 2/3 { <b,, f,>8)\!^\ppp r16 }
    } \\ {
        <bf, e a>8\>
        <f, b, e>32-.)\p r
        \times 5/6 {
            \times 2/3 { c,,32(\pppp ef,, g,, }
            \times 2/3 { a,, bf,,) r }
            df32\marcato\mp\< g,\marcato
    } >>
    % 12.1.66
    s16. s4 s16
    % 12.1.67


% score
\score {
    \new Score \with {
        proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 32)
        \override SpacingSpanner #'uniform-stretching = ##t
        \override TupletNumber #'text = #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text
        tupletFullLength = ##t
    } <<
        \new PianoStaff = piano <<
            \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Piano "
            \new Staff = upper { \uppermusic }
            \new Staff = lower { \lowermusic }
    \layout {
        ragged-right = ##t
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