[Lilypond 2.11.49]

Hello all!

Just wondering if there's any documentation on where to find the default settings for a given grob — for example, I don't know where to look to find the default BreathingSign #'font-size setting (which I need right now). [I can easily drill down to the font-interface page, but no specific answer can be found there, because it's an interface shared by so many different grobs...]

Once again, I would like to suggest that all settings for a given grob should be available in a single documentation page — e.g., the grob LayoutObject page — so that users don't have to hunt them down in fourteen different places, assuming they even know where to look to begin with. [This list of settings should be *automatically* generated, of course, so that no one would have to manually build it for each new Lilypond version...]


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