On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Kieren MacMillan
> Just wondering if there's any documentation on where to find the default
> settings for a given grob — for example, I don't know where to look to find
> the default BreathingSign #'font-size setting (which I need right now). [I
> can easily drill down to the font-interface page, but no specific answer can
> be found there, because it's an interface shared by so many different
> grobs...]

This is explained in LM 4.2.2.  If the 'font-size property is not
listed on the BreathingSign page, then it uses the global default
setting for 'font-size (which is 0, according to the font-interface

On the other hand, there are many grob properties with unlisted
default values.  Does this imply that they are undocumented, or that
their values are grob-dependent?  I'm not sure if this is documented

> Once again, I would like to suggest that all settings for a given grob
> should be available in a single documentation page — e.g., the grob
> LayoutObject page — so that users don't have to hunt them down in fourteen
> different places, assuming they even know where to look to begin with. [This
> list of settings should be *automatically* generated, of course, so that no
> one would have to manually build it for each new Lilypond version...]

Since new users are expected to read the Learning Manual, the method
to *hunt down* the grob settings is documented.  I agree that the
process to *find* the correct page can be difficult though.

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