Werner LEMBERG wrote Thursday, July 02, 2009 7:42 AM

From time to time, users complain that the display of lilypond PDF
files with acroread or xpdf looks awkward on screen. In such cases, I strongly recommend to use ghostscript itself to view the PDF file, or
a wrapper program like gv or gsview.

Have a look at the attached image: the left part shows the rendering
result of a piece (compiled with lilypond 2.13.1) with gv (at 25%
scaling, using gs 8.64), and the right part is with acroread 8.1.5 (at
58.6% scaling).  What a difference.

When I moved to Vista I was very disappointed
with the on-screen appearance of pdfs in Adobe
Reader.  Then I found and adjusted the Page
Display preferences.  Now it's absolutely fine.
The default settings were clearly not optimum.
I can't remember now which particular settings
were important, but the ones under Resolution and
Rendering look significant.


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