-Eluze wrote:

Werner LEMBERG wrote:

From time to time, users complain that the display of lilypond PDF
files with acroread or xpdf looks awkward on screen.  In such cases, I
strongly recommend to use ghostscript itself to view the PDF file, or
a wrapper program like gv or gsview.

Have a look at the attached image: the left part shows the rendering
result of a piece (compiled with lilypond 2.13.1) with gv (at 25%
scaling, using gs 8.64), and the right part is with acroread 8.1.5 (at
58.6% scaling).  What a difference.

- how does it compare on printed output?

FWIW, I just printed a page from one of my scores from Evince, Acrobat Reader, Ghostview, Xpdf, and finally a straight "lpr" command. All are identical to my eye with the exception of the page printed from *Evince*, which has barlines that are way too thick. On the screen, Acroread and Evince looked the best. Xpdf looked awful in every respect, and Ghostview rendered any curved or slanted objects badly. The printed output was beautiful though from everything but Evince, though.

Jonathan Kulp

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