Sorry, this didn't copy to the list first time. Not used to the gmail web
interface...See response at bottom.


On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 5:07 AM, Jonathan Kulp <>wrote:

> 2010/3/23 Dmytro O. Redchuk <>
> Hi.
>>  My problem (again, yes, my own,) now is that 2.13.16 crashes on a
>> file, which can happily be compiled with 2.12.3 and 2.8.8 (2.13.0
>> segfaults, did not try others yet).
>>  Having no idea how to debug, i would like to ask what can i do to
>> narrow down this problem.
>>  (Stripping the code to three stave "do not help" --- the problem
>> disappears). Btw, uncommenting page-count and commenting out
>> system-count gives strange result: lilypond says "Solving 2
>> page-breaking chunks...[1: 3 pages][2: 3 pages]" but produces 6 pages
>> pdf (some pages with 1 system only).
>>  I've attached the (a bit stripped) source and log file.
>>  Please, help :-)
>>  Thank you, really.
> I got it to compile by running convert-ly to update syntax (had to add a
> version statement first) and then changing the paper block like this:
> \paper {
>   %system-count = #9
>   % page-count = #3
>   ragged-bottom = ##f
> }
> Note that ragged-bottom is now false instead of true. It turns out to have
> three pages. Is that what you want?
> Jon
> --
> Jonathan Kulp

Jonathan Kulp
lilypond-user mailing list

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