Thank You for Your response :-)

У вт, 2010-03-23 у 05:07 -0600, Jonathan Kulp пише:

> I got it to compile by running convert-ly to update syntax (had to add
> a version statement first) and then changing the paper block like
> this:
> \paper {
>   %system-count = #9
>   % page-count = #3
>   ragged-bottom = ##f
> }
> Note that ragged-bottom is now false instead of true. It turns out to
> have three pages.
Yes, this score _can_ be compiled by 2.13.*

>  Is that what you want?
Not sure :-(

Well, i failed to obtain three pages with one stanza per page
(i have not tried hard enough, maybe?..), but...
this does not matter, actually.

I believe there is some issues in vertical spacing mechanism (other my
posts about "unwanted vertical space between lyrics" are "about that",
too), i would like to help (in any sense) to find this problem. I
personally *can not* find anything, i guess i am too unskilled, badly,
forever, lost for future .-)

I wish i could write a good bugreport for this issue .)

At least, i would like to have lilypond not crashed in such cases :-(

Thank You anyway!


pps. I feel like i can not help here, and the best thing i can do is
stop spamming. That's not a problem though --- my feelings are not a
problem at all .)

> Jon
> -- 
> Jonathan Kulp

  Dmytro O. Redchuk

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