On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 11:43 AM, Jan Warchoł
<lemniskata.bernoulli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Lily forgets about dynamics that are not related to any other dynamics, i.e.
> too far apart (like 2 full measures apart or 30 staff spaces apart)
> for each group of related dynamics:
>       for each dynamic in the group Lily calculates the "default" vertical
> distance from the staff
>       Lily calculates the difference between the maximum and minimum of
> above values
>       if that difference is not greater than, let's say, 2 staff spaces,**
> Lily places all dynamics from this group at the same vertical position level

Er, it seems that we're already doing that: in the attached example,
there are two "groups" of dynamics which are vertically aligned

  a2 \pp \< d'' d'' d''\f
  d''\pp \< d'' d d''\f

Perhaps it would be a good idea to elaborate on what is already
implemented when writing your feature request?


<<attachment: toto.png>>

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