2011/8/22 Jan-Peter Voigt <jp.vo...@gmx.de>:
> Am 22.08.2011 13:07, schrieb Robert Schmaus:
>> Hi Lilyponderers,
>> I agree with Joseph - let's not blow this out of proportion and start
>> creating conspiracies. of course I also agree with everyone else that
>> this ist simply annoying and stupid, not to mention unprofessional, on
>> part of the contest organisers.
>> who, by the way, replied to my request why specifically they ask for
>> sibelius or finale. here's what they wote:
>>> The winner composition will be played in concert
>>> and edited. I hope you understand the implications of it.
> This is a situation one can blame, but he will not change it by moarning and
> cheating.
> So again: if lilypond would be able to export musicXML one can say, hey why
> don't you take musicXML, Finale and Sibelius should be able to import this
> kind of file.
> The resulting file won't look as beautiful as the lilypond output, but
> should'nt it be possible just to write out all notes, clefs, time sigs and
> key sigs to a file, that might have music-xml-format?
> I did not have a deeper look into it (and don't remember, were its found),
> but I saw the export function in lily 2.15 wich generates textfiles with
> note-numbers and lengths. So it should be possible.
> I would'nt export the fine layout into other programs, because this will not
> work ever and would need very tricky two-pass execution.

What would be the point of using LilyPond then, if all the beautiful
formatting will be lost?

2011/8/22 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Jan-Peter Voigt <jp.vo...@gmx.de> writes:
>> Does anyone know, what happens, if someone uses a sib-generated xml in
>> finale?
> Jean Sibelius turns counterclockwise in his grave, as opposed to his
> direction when typesetting a score with Sibelius.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


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