On Aug 22, 2011, at 4:11 PM, Urs Liska wrote:

> Am 22.08.2011 15:47, schrieb Mike Solomon:
>> You can always get Lilypond's music stream (you can see it via the 
>> \displayMusic function), which is everything expanded out (save quoted 
>> voices) unless you do some real tricky Scheme work with delays, the latter 
>> of which you'd need to be really esoteric to hazard.
>> Cheers,
>> MS
> Does this mean that in order to get the musicXML output we're talking about 
> (at least the "first stage" without the detailed layout information) one 
> would "only" have to somehow process this music stream? To output its object 
> model in another form? Something like ans XSLT transformation?


I started doing this a while back - most of it is doable, and Jan has 
implemented some helper functions as well.  It is kinda thorny, though, and 
only works for a certain category of "tame" music.  The issue has come up 
several times on the French list as well.


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