Am 22.08.2011 14:23, schrieb Janek Warcho?:

What would be the point of using LilyPond then, if all the beautiful
formatting will be lost?
The point is to be more open in a bidirectional exchange.
This option would allow to write scores in LilyPond even when you for some reason or the other are obliged to produce Finale/Sibelius files.
There are several situations I could think of:

   * LilyPond is just the program you know how to use.
     You don't want to learn - and even less to buy - other programs
   * You write music that relies on complex scheme functions
     (for example for some forms of algorithmic composition)
   * You want to create scores programmatically
     - I once wrote a Pascal program that created the LilyPond input
     file for a serial composition
     - I never really did but dreamt of a possibility to create a
     LilyPond file from a PureData performance
   * ...

The situations where you need the Finale files have been thoroughly discussed by now. While we all would prefer being able to sell our Lily files, we have to live with the fact that this is often not possible. This mail that I had to read gives an unwanted but good argument why editors have the right to insist on their "workflow":

Having the possibility to stay somewhat compatible would ease the step to try out LilyPond for other typesetters and would thus probably increase the user base. This is somewhat comparable to the impact of the existence of Dual Boot setups (and then Virtual Machines and even Into-Windows-Installing) on the increased amount of Linux users.

When I started to use LilyPond I didn't expect at all that I would someday have to deal with real world publishers. If I had known then, I might never had given LilyPond a try.

2011/8/22 David Kastrup<>:
Jan-Peter Voigt<>  writes:

Does anyone know, what happens, if someone uses a sib-generated xml in
Jean Sibelius turns counterclockwise in his grave, as opposed to his
direction when typesetting a score with Sibelius.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


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