Thanks Hans. You didn't quite understand my question, I think.

I understand that I *can* put files practically anywhere. The problem is that I 
then have to use a really long include line like:

\include /Users/peter/Documents/

unlike the factory files, which only require:

I'm wondering if there's another supported location to put files to include, 
such that Lilypond will AUTOMATICALLY find them, without requiring typing the 
full path.

thanks for your response
~peter in oakland

On Dec 7, 2011, at 1:02 AM, Hans Aberg wrote:

> On 7 Dec 2011, at 02:58, huzzam wrote:
>> I'm fairly new to lilypond, and am starting to write my own ly files to
>> include. I want to put them somewhere that will be accessible easily from
>> any score (user defaults). The only place I've so far been able to find to
>> put them is inside the lilypond application package itself
>> (/Applications/
>> This obviously is annoying when I upgrade lilypond, as I have to dig in
>> there and copy my files to the new one.
>> Is there some place I can put them so that I can still just "\include
>>" (without a path), but which is not inside the package itself?
>> Something along the lines of ~/Library/lilypond or /usr/share/lilypond?
> Your personal files should always be in your home catalog. You can work from 
> any directory, but if you so like make a directory where you want, for 
> example:
> ~/LilyPond/  ~/Music/LilyPond  ~/Documents/LilyPond/
> Not in ~/Library/, because that is for application support, and is even 
> hidden in OS X 10.7.
> As for running lilypond from Terminal (it was not clear that this is what you 
> wanted), make a script named lilypond, and put it in ~/bin or /usr/local/bin/:
>  exec /Applications/ "$@"
> Hans

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