Hello all!

I try to combine latex text and lilypond scores. Lot of documentation read, but 
there remain two issues, I can't solve.

1) Is there any way to control vertical space between systems while using 
lilypond-book? In lilypond file I have ragged-bottom = ##f and some 
stretchability, basic and minimum distance settings, but they make no effect at 
all, systems are placed too close. When I compile the same file with lilypond, 
all looks fine. Even pageBreaks from .ly file are not respected and I can't 
control them from TeX side either as I just include file with \lilypondfile.

2) I have problem with Calibri font in lyrics. Many of my custom and very rare 
fonts (and some common) show OK, but Word-embeded Calibri shows just question 
marks instead of letters (both latin and cyrillic, so that is not Unicode 
I've tried to use \lilypondfile[fontload]{myfile.ly}, but it gives an error: 
Writing snippets...lilypond-book.py: warning: ignoring unknown ly option: 

I use Windows, MikTex and compilation commands:
lilypond-book --output=out --pdf --latex-program=xelatex myfile.lytex
cd out
xelatex myfile.tex

example code with all my problems (MUST be saved as UTF-8!):

\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text, Scale=MatchLowercase}

\section *{A small section that should be stretched vertically русский текст}
\version "2.14.2"
\paper {
  ragged-bottom = ##f
  ragged-last-bottom = ##f
melody = \relative c'
  c2 c c c \break
  c2 c c c \break
  c2 c c c \break
  c2 c c c \break
  c2 c c c \break
  c2 c c c \break
text = \lyricmode
  \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Calibri"
  a b c d e f g а б в г д е ё
    \new Staff = slavonic <<
      \new Voice = "one" {
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text

\section *{Another one, where I want page break}
\relative c' {
  c2 c c c \break
  c2 c c c \break
  c2 c c c \pageBreak
  c2 c c c \break
  c2 c c c \break
  c2 c c c \break


Thank you,

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