
2012/3/21 Svetlana <>:
> Hello all!
> I try to combine latex text and lilypond scores. Lot of documentation read, 
> but there remain two issues, I can't solve.
> 1) Is there any way to control vertical space between systems while using 
> lilypond-book?

Maybe I have missed something but I cannot see any of the other
spacing in your \paper {} block

I am not saying they will/will not work but we have a known issues and
warnings in teh current dev version of the Application Usage

Known issues and warnings

The \pageBreak command will not work within a \begin{lilypond} …
\end{lilypond} environment.

Many \paper block variables will also not work within a
\begin{lilypond} … \end{lilypond} environment. Use \newcommand with
\betweenLilyPondSystem in the preamble;



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