2012/3/21 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Svetlana <eurid...@yandex.ru> writes:
>> Hello all!
>> I try to combine latex text and lilypond scores. Lot of documentation
>> read, but there remain two issues, I can't solve.
>> 1) Is there any way to control vertical space between systems while
>> using lilypond-book? In lilypond file I have ragged-bottom = ##f and
>> some stretchability, basic and minimum distance settings, but they
>> make no effect at all, systems are placed too close. When I compile
>> the same file with lilypond, all looks fine. Even pageBreaks from .ly
>> file are not respected and I can't control them from TeX side either
>> as I just include file with \lilypondfile.
> Not enough documentation reading, I guess.  Check out
> <URL:http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.15/Documentation/usage/latex> for
> description and applications of the \betweenLilyPondSystem macro.

Yes and the key concept here is that systems become images. Two
systems = two images. Skylines do not work here, that's why for
multi-system music is better to insert a single image for the whole
score. LilyPond-Book is perfect for single-line fragments.
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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