Am 09.04.2012 21:12, schrieb Thomas Morley:
I'd use \override Script #'staff-padding = #'() and \voiceOne,
\voiceTwo and \oneVoice:

This looks great. I also played around with an approach that doesn't use the two voices since it's just the left hand that plays some part of the voice.

\version "2.14.2"

\context PianoStaff<<
  \context Staff=right \relative c'' {
    \key g \major \time 3/4 s2. \stemUp
    d4^~ d16 a' g\prall fis e\prall d cis\prall b | % 33
  \context Staff=left \relative c' {
    \override Script #'staff-padding = #'()
    \key g \major \time 3/4 \clef bass s2. \stemDown
    \change Staff=right r16 a' g\prall fis g4  \change Staff=left r | % 33

What is the benefit of the two voices approach and when should I avoid the stem up/down?


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