Am 11.04.2012 09:36, schrieb James:
2012/4/11 Helge Kruse<>:
Honestly, I used the 2.13 documentation. Now I downloaded the 2.14
documentation. Searching for stemDown\Up\Neutral I didn't find any hint to
favor voiceOne/Two/Three. But I did not read thorough 763 pages. Which
section are you referring?

It was added middle of March.
Yes, unfortunately you can't find it in the German translation, what is displayed by default. But English is also fine for me. Thank you for this pointer. Do you think I should use the v2.15 docs for Lilypond 2.14? The release candidate for Lilypond 2.16 is already announced and so it might be sensible to look forward.


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