Hi Kieren, unfortunately it's not what I'm looking for because I also want
the instrument name there as in:

*\version "2.14.2"  *
*gong = \new Voice {*
* \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup\right-column{*
*  \small\bold\italic"e."*
*  \line{\center-column{\raise #1.5 "Wind " \raise #1.5 "Gong " }
\tiny\bold\italic "m." }*
*  \small\bold\italic  "c."*
* }  *
* *
*  \clef percussion *
*  \autoBeamOff*
*\relative c' {*
* *
*  \override Staff.NoteHead  #'style = #'cross*
*  \override Stem #'stemlet-length = #0.75*
*  \override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #-0.05*
*  *
*  #(define mylines '(-4 0 4))*
*  \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-positions = #mylines*
*  *
*R1*2 |  *
*\times 2/3{ d8\ppp^"soft mallets (s.m.)"[ e r] } \times 2/3 { r8[ r d\>] }*
* \times 2/3 { r8[ e8. f16\pppp] } r4 |*
* *
*R1 |*
*\score {\new Staff <<\gong>>}*

I hope it's more clear now what I'm aiming for. Still I honestly think
there should be an easier way than spending hours of tweaking markup: just
to add some simple text in front of a staff. And still the result is not
that satisfactory.

I think LilyPond is the greatest software, especcially for contemporary
music: a simple thing should be made simple though, just like the other
things in LilyPond are :) Thank you all. I will work on a nice enhancement

All the best,
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