Graham Percival <> writes:

> On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 05:57:02AM +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Mike Blackstock <> writes:
>> > I agree. As I pointed out, the model was meant to personify Aquinas'
>> > definition of 'beauty' and tie that in with the beauty of Lilypond. We
>> > disagree on what 'sleaze' is. Not how 'gatekeeper' comes into play and
>> > as for marketing - well, this is free, and I'm defering to the
>> > judgment of the Debian Linux ad, as I thought I made clear.
>> The Debian ad goes to a bit more effort than depicting an arbitrary
>> snapshot of a woman in a swimsuit.  And I still don't see them pulling
>> this off convincingly either.
> Wait a moment -- *what* Debian ad?  The image
> has the url, which redirects me to some
> spam-ish site.  There's no way that's an official Debian
> advertisement.

I considered it strange too, but whether or not it was authentic did not
really make a difference to my argument.  "Others did it too" is not
much of an argument if a) they did it totally differently, b) presumably
with a different aim and c) it did not work either.  I did not really
need d) and it was someone else who did it anyway.

But that's really not important.  The question is not whether or not
whoever else tried what for whatever reason, but whether Mike succeeds
in what he explains as his personal vision to a degree where the viewer
recognizes his vision rather than getting distracted from it.

David Kastrup

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