Am 23.09.2012 14:40, schrieb James:

This construct doesn't allow for mixing single notes with
I see. Hmm...yes that's awkward.

There are instruments and music styles which greatly
benefit from having 'q' available, whereas others don't,
I write a lot of music for guitar (and recently, I had to
typeset music for accordion, too) and there is a
great advantage in both typing *and* readability

e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 > b,,\6 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 > e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2
b\1 > b,,\6 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 >


e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 > b,,\6 q e,\5 q b,,\6 q

(assuming you have switched on \tabChordRepetition).
I'm still not sure I am convinced. Amount of typing? Sure you have to
type less - perhaps (depending on how many 'q' chars you need) but
readability is subjective it seems (i.e. I don't use q, you do I don't
find q that readable at all simply because I read from the left to
right and then see a q and have to jump back left to recall what it is
repeating (just in case I missed something) whereas explicitly writing
out \repeat chord {music expression} is easy - forget about the mixing
notes with chords for now, I _do_ take that point however.

[...](I find reading other's lilypond sources that use 'q'
significantly akin to reading technical documentation where every 4th
word is an acronym or abbreviation).
I'd just say the opposite; in my example above, any change in the
chord is not as easily spotted when you write out everyting:

e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 > b,,\6 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 > e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2
b\1 > b,,\6 < b,\4 d\3 fis\2 b\1 >
e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 > b,,\6 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 > e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2
b\1 > b,,\6 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 >

as opposed to

e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 > b,,\6 q e,\5 q b,,\6 < b,\4 d\3 fis\2 b\1 >
e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 > b,,\6 q e,\5 q b,,\6 q

In the lower example, you see at first glance that the last chord
in the first measure changes.
That's just how a person writes out his file; I found the example you
gave poor in that I can see the line length doesn't match so I could
see instantly the change.
Well, I try to put at least a full measure in one line, so the example was very much
something I use in my pieces.

So to try to take the same examples:

e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 >
b,,\6 q
e,\5 q
b,,\6 < b,\4 d\3 fis\2 b\1 >
e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 >
b,,\6 q
e,\5 q
b,,\6 q


e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 >
b,,\6 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 >
e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 >
b,,\6 < b,\4 d\3 fis\2 b\1 >
e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 >
b,,\6 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 >
e,8\5 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 >
b,,\6 < b,\4 e\3 g\2 b\1 >

By the time I get to the last line in the first example, I've
forgotten what q is repeating :) so I have to jump back - what was q
again? etc. The second example here is straightforward, sure it
doesn't tell me what has changed compared to X instance, but neither
does q (at least in long passages).
Ok, it seems that people using 'q' like it and find it easy to type and to read, whereas others don't like it and therefore do not use it – it's a mere philosophical

Actually this is probably why I've never bothered to use q for
accordion bass lines on my own compositions, but create variables like
\cmindimsev \cminor \gminorfive etc. in the lilypond file then use
\repeat unfold, so when I have lots of repetitive chords and then
sudden and small passage changes I don't have to care what the
'previous' chord was to make sure I have it right, I already know what
it is now, because what my eye is reading is what the chord really is
- if that makes sense to you?
Ok, that's another possibility – *if* we could use variable names like
em7, c7b5 and store chords in that, this would be even better, but this
yields to yet another big amount of philosophical mails ;-)

To be honest, I use this way of defining chords, too, but with 'q', I like
the possibility of changing the duration easily. If that were possible with
 e8 \eminor e \eminor ~ \eminor \eminor4. , I think I would not miss 'q'
that much if it had to go.

>From a novice's point of view q on the face of it is handy, but handy
in the sense that some of the LSR hacks are handy, it just seems so
unlike/inconsistent with any of the other commands we use in LP. I
don't personally have any feelings about whether q is good/bad, I can
see it certainly makes typing quicker, what I was wondering was is the
q 'function' holding back and/or preventing other parts of the .ly
language from being improved/more streamlined in the lexer & parser
work that David is working on.
Good point. And basically, I support the idea of enhancing the
\repeat ... { stuff } construct – I merely wanted to show that
there are situations where the repeat construct would not work.



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