Thanks for your help on my first problem. It emboldens me to ask about
another problem I'm having. And here, I can show a snippet. This is from
the Gloria, part of the New Mass for John Carroll (copyright GIA, Inc.
For the curious:

\version "2.12.3"
\include ""           %Use English notation

\header {
        title = "Gloria"

melodytwo = \relative c'' {
        \key g \major           % fs
        r2 r4 g4 | a4 a2 a4 |
        fs2. fs4 | g4 g2 a4 |
        b2. r4 | r1 |

        r2 r4 g4 | a2 a2 |
        fs2. fs4 | g2 a2 |
        b2. r4 | r1 |

        r2 r4 g4 | a4 a2 a4 |
        fs2. fs4 | g4 g fs2 |
        e2. r4 |

texttwo = \lyricmode {
        Have | mer -- cy on | us, have | mer -- cy on | us.
        \markup {
                \column { "You take away the sins"
                        \line { "of the world," }
        re -- | ceive our | prayer, re -- | ceive our | prayer.
        \markup {
                \column { "You are seated at the"
                        \line { "right hand of the Father,"}
        have | mer -- cy on | us, have | mer -- cy on | us.

                \new Voice = "two" { \melodytwo }
                \new Lyrics \lyricsto "two" \texttwo
        \layout {
                indent = 0
                \context {
                        \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
                        \remove "Bar_number_engraver"

My problem is that I'd like the words appearing in the \column sections
to appear between the two quarter-rests in bars 5 and 7, and bars 11 and
13, or starting from the quarter-rest in bar 5 and filling bar 6, and
starting from the quarter-rest in bar 11 and filling bar 13. These words
are sung by the choir and are set to music in the full score, but on the
congregational handout, they just appear with rests.

Thanks, again, for your help and suggestions. I also welcome any
suggestions on the overall style and contents of this snippet.


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