2013/3/3 Kevin Zembower <kzembo...@verizon.net>:
> Any thoughts on this question?
> I thought that there was a command that could 'detach' a section of
> lyrics from the music for a specified time.

I'm not aware of sth like that.

You could try:

\version "2.12.3"
\include "english.ly"           %Use English notation
#(set-global-staff-size 19.5)

\header {
        title = "Gloria"

melodytwo = \relative c'' {
        \key g \major           % fs
        r2 r4 g4 | a4 a2 a4 |
        fs2. fs4 | g4 g2 a4 |
        b2. r4 | r1 |

        r2 r4 g4 | a2 a2 |
        fs2. fs4 | g2 a2 |
        b2. r4 | r1 |

        r2 r4 g4 | a4 a2 a4 |
        fs2. fs4 | g4 g fs2 |
        e2. r4 |

texttwo = \lyricmode {
        Have mer -- cy on us, have mer -- cy on
        \once \override LyricText  #'self-alignment-X = #-0.96
        \markup { us. \hspace #3
                \column { "You take away the sins   "
                        \line { "of the world," }
        re -- ceive our prayer, re -- ceive our
        \once \override LyricText  #'self-alignment-X = #-0.8
        \markup { prayer. \hspace #3
                \column { "You are seated at the"
                        \line { "right hand of the Father,"}
        have mer -- cy on us, have mer -- cy on us.

                \new Voice = "two" { \melodytwo }
                \new Lyrics \lyricsto "two" \texttwo
        \layout {
                indent = 0
                \context {
                        \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
                        \remove "Bar_number_engraver"

The drawback: The markup isn't breakable.
To avoid this I've chosen a smaller global-staff-size, though, this
depends on your paper-size.

Other possibilities are thinkable:
- a second voice to associate the other lyrics.
- as RehearsalMark

Both will have other drawbacks and stronger ones, imho.


why do you use this outdated version?

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