I dont' recall anything in the tutorial about lyrics. Since I am still learning 
about the visual world of music can you give an example  as to why you would 
want to do this? Just curious here and I absorb everything I learn in case I 
need it later.

Tc all and be blessed.
On Mar 3, 2013, at 12:36 PM, Kevin Zembower <kzembo...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Any thoughts on this question? 
> I thought that there was a command that could 'detach' a section of
> lyrics from the music for a specified time. Does this sound familiar to
> anyone? Would this work in this case?
> Thanks for your suggestions.
> -Kevin
> On Sat, 2013-03-02 at 11:43 -0500, Kevin Zembower wrote:
>> Thanks for your help on my first problem. It emboldens me to ask about
>> another problem I'm having. And here, I can show a snippet. This is from
>> the Gloria, part of the New Mass for John Carroll (copyright GIA, Inc.
>> For the curious:
>> http://www.giamusic.com/search_details.cfm?title_id=19491):
>> \version "2.12.3"
>> \include "english.ly"                %Use English notation
>> \header {
>>      title = "Gloria"
>> }
>> melodytwo = \relative c'' {
>>      \key g \major           % fs
>>      r2 r4 g4 | a4 a2 a4 |
>>      fs2. fs4 | g4 g2 a4 |
>>      b2. r4 | r1 |
>>      r2 r4 g4 | a2 a2 |
>>      fs2. fs4 | g2 a2 |
>>      b2. r4 | r1 |
>>      r2 r4 g4 | a4 a2 a4 |
>>      fs2. fs4 | g4 g fs2 |
>>      e2. r4 |
>> }
>> texttwo = \lyricmode {
>>      Have | mer -- cy on | us, have | mer -- cy on | us.
>>      \markup {
>>              \column { "You take away the sins"
>>                      \line { "of the world," }
>>                      }
>>      }
>>      re -- | ceive our | prayer, re -- | ceive our | prayer.
>>      \markup {
>>              \column { "You are seated at the"
>>                      \line { "right hand of the Father,"}
>>                      }
>>      }
>>      have | mer -- cy on | us, have | mer -- cy on | us.
>> }
>> \score{ 
>>      <<
>>              \new Voice = "two" { \melodytwo }
>>              \new Lyrics \lyricsto "two" \texttwo
>>      >>
>>      \layout {
>>              indent = 0
>>              \context {
>>                      \Staff
>>                      \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
>>                      \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
>>              }
>>      } 
>> }
>> My problem is that I'd like the words appearing in the \column sections
>> to appear between the two quarter-rests in bars 5 and 7, and bars 11 and
>> 13, or starting from the quarter-rest in bar 5 and filling bar 6, and
>> starting from the quarter-rest in bar 11 and filling bar 13. These words
>> are sung by the choir and are set to music in the full score, but on the
>> congregational handout, they just appear with rests.
>> Thanks, again, for your help and suggestions. I also welcome any
>> suggestions on the overall style and contents of this snippet.
>> -Kevin
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