Hi Janek,

thanks for these explanations.
If the feedback doesn't give you a sufficiently clear idea where to put the material, you know what I'd suggest? ;-)


Am 23.03.2013 15:05, schrieb Janek Warcho?:

here's an explanation of what's happening when we're using XY-offset,
self-alignment etc.  I hope that it'll help users get a better
understanding of LilyPond internals; i also think it would be a good
material for documentation, but i'm not sure where should it be placed
- it seems to fit both in Learning as well as Extending, and maybe
even CG...

Let's start at the very beginning:
LilyPond needs to know where each and every grob should be placed.
This placement information is stored using relative coordinates:
position of a grob is defined relative to the position of its parent
(if we had used absolute coordinates - e.g. distances from the edges
of the page - it would be hard to maintain spatial relationships
between grobs).

Every grob knows which grob is its parent in respective axis.  For
example, a Flag knows that its X-parent is a particular Stem.

Relative coordinates that describe grob's placement are stored in grob
properties called X-offset and Y-offset.  They are measured in
staffspaces.  X-offset is the horizontal displacement between grob's
reference point and the reference point of grob's X-parent (similarly
with Y-offset).

What is a reference point?  It's a special point that defines the
grob's position.  Think about geometry: if you have to define where a
figure is placed on a plane, you'll usually say something like "the
lower left corner of this square has coordinates (0, 2)" "or "the
center of this circle is at (-1, 3)". "Lower left corner" and "center"
would be the reference points for square and circle.

This illustration shows where refpoints of particular grobs are located:

   \override NoteHead #'style = #'altdefault
   g'2-> c''\fermata | as'1^"Yogi" |
   b'\breve _"Larry" | \mark "Twinkle" e''8 s4.
-> see attached "refpoint examples.png"

By overriding X-offset value, we can move grobs relative to their parents:

   \override NoteHead #'style = #'altdefault
   \override Script #'X-offset = #2
   \override TextScript #'X-offset = #1.5
   \override Stem #'X-offset = #2
   \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-offset = #-2
   g'2-> c''\fermata | as'1^"Yogi" |
   b'\breve _"Larry" | \mark "Twinkle" e''8 s4.
-> see attached "offsets.png"

(notice that the Flag moved together with its Stem)

Now, let's explain another pair of properties: X-extent and Y-extent.
Each of them is a pair of numbers (an Interval), and they store grob's
dimensions relative to its reference point.  For example X-extent
equal to (-1 . 4) means that the left edge of the grob is 1 staffspace
to the left of its reference point, and right edge is 4 staffspace to
the right from reference point, for a total width of 4 - (-1) = 4 + 1
= 5 staffspaces.
Both numbers in an extent may be positive, for example (2 . 3) is a
valid extent: it means that the whole grob is on the right of its
refpoint, and the width of the grob is 3 - 2 = 1 staffspace.
Similarly, both numbers can be negative; these situations are quite
unusual but won't give LilyPond headaches.
The most common situation (at least for X-extent) is that the first
number is 0, which means that the reference point is on the left edge
of the grob.

Now, suppose that we want to position a RehearsalMark so that its
right edge is aligned with a Barline.  With X-offset = 0 (i.e. its
reference point aligned on parent, which is equal to Barline in this
situation) RehearsalMark would be placed like this:

   \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-offset = #0
   b4 b b b \mark "Twinkle" b b b b
-> see image (1) in attached "images.png"

So, we need to shift it.  Remember what the second number in X-extent
means?  It's the position of grob's right edge relative to its
refpoint.  If we subtract this value from 0, we'll get the X-offset we

   \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-offset = #-10.4
   b4 b b b \mark "Twinkle" b b b b

What if we wanted to center some grob on the refpoint on its parent?
That's simple: calculate the displacement between grob's refpoint and
/center/ of it's extent.  Some examples:
1) X-extent = (-2 . 2) -> X-offset = 0 - 0 = 0
2) X-extent = (0 . 4) -> X-offset = 0 - (0 + 0.5 * 4) = -2
3) X-extent = (-2 . 4) -> X-offset = 0 - ((0.5 * -2) + (0.5 * 4)) = 0
- (-1 + 2) = -1

There is a special C++ procedure x_aligned_on_self that can do these
calculations for us; it's defined in Self_alignment_interface class.
To use it, we say:

\override GrobName #'X-offset = #ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self

And it means "when you need to know a GrobName's X-offset, run
x_aligned_on_self procedure form Self_alignment_interface C++ class on
this RehearsalMark and take the value that the procedure returned".

Then we need to specify what alignment we want:

\override GrobName #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT

will tell the procedure to find the displacement between grob's
refpoint and its right edge, and use it as X-offset, which will result
in grob being right-aligned.

So, if you change a grob's extent, you will affect how it will be
aligned (because LilyPond will think that grob's dimensions are

   \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-extent = #'(0 . 8)
   \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
   b4 b b b \mark "Twinkle" b b b b

Also, if a grob's extent is empty (i.e. it's not an Interval),
procedures like x_aligned_on_self won't have any information about
grob's dimensions, so they won't be able to calculate an offset
(they'll just return 0).  In other words, a grob with an empty extent
can only be "aligned" on its refpoint, because there's no other
information that can be used for alignment:

   \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-extent = ##f
   b4 b b b \mark "Twinkle" b b b b

Notice that empty extent and zero extent result in the same positioning:

   \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-extent = #'(0 . 0)
   b4 b b b \mark "Twinkle" b b b b

However, empty extent (or zero extent, or any other extent) doesn't
prevent us from placing the grob at any location we want - we just
can't use alignment procedures for that.  We can still specify any
offset we want, and it will work as usual:

   \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-extent = ##f
   \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-offset = #-10.4
   b4 b b b \mark "Twinkle" b b b b

Now, there is one more thing to keep in mind: grob's parent has its
own dimensions, too, and we need to take them into account.  For
example, if we write

{ a'1 }
\addlyrics {
   \override LyricText #'X-offset =
   \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #CENTER

the LyricText will be centered, but *on the refpoint of its parent*
(i.e. the center of the syllable will be aligned to the refpoint of
the notehead).  If we want the center of the LyricText to be aligned
with the center of its parent NoteHead, we have to use a different
procedure: aligned_on_x_parent.  It works very similarly to
x_aligned_on_self, but in addition to calculating offset based on
grob's own extent, it also uses grob's parent extent:

{ a'1 }
\addlyrics {
   \override LyricText #'X-offset =
   \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #CENTER

I hope that this helps anyone, and that i got everything right.


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